RIP Recon (2007-2021)

Recon’s 2020 Presidential Campaign Photo

As the commander of the 1st Feline Battalion, it is with great sadness that I report that Recon, the most decorated officer in the history of feline operations, has died from injuries sustained in a brutal rescue mission in North Korea last fall.

He was a faithful warrior up to the very end. But the horrid conditions in North Korea–including a catastrophe that led to him evading capture for an entire week–seriously injured him. He had blown off retirement to take on that mission.

Still, he survived, making it home and even showing signs of healing from his wounds. He even mounted an impressive Presidential campaign, defeating both Trump and Biden in a landslide, only to have his rightful election stolen by Biden and Trump.

He was planning on making a run in 2024, but last week, kidney problems started mounting, and this week he stopped eating and drinking altogether. He even began to experience convulsions. His body weight had dropped 40%.

He died surrounded by Amir and Abigail.

Guinness Survives Close Call in North Korea

Guinness, eager to prove his bona fides with the 1st Feline Battalion, went on a solo reconnaissance mission in North Korea. Unfortunately, due to a miscommunication, he ended up a hundred miles away from his planned drop zone.

Almost immediately, he came under heavy enemy fire. Thankfully, the North Koreans can’t shoot very well. Guinness, in spite of a tremendous pursuit by North Korean Special Forces, managed to escape. Miraculously, he made it to a safe house near the border with China. Four days later, he was rescued by Allied troops.

No more solo missions for him.

RIP Sneaky (2000 – 2011)

We are sad to announce the passing of the legendary spymaster, Sneaky. In the world of feline operations, her work is the stuff of legend.

While she retired four years ago, she had been in great post-retirement spirits, in spite of being slowed by arthritis. She was a sweet, friendly kitteh.

She will be missed.


As a superhero feline, I admire humans who appreciate the ranks of cats. Still, this gal is out of her freaking mind.

All she is doing is providing entertainment for myself and others like my parents.

Feline Ops in the GWOT

Less-publicized in the undoing of Osama bin Laden is the work of elite felines in the most sensitive reconnaissance missions. (HT to Russ)

Even though they are very friendly to children, the cats in these units are the baddest of the badasses. I cannot confirm or deny whether felines had anything to do with the hit on Osama.

Well…I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you…