Joe Carter Nails It on Giuliani and Pro-Life Movement

10/13/2007: While Joe Carter of the Evangelical Outpost got it absolutely dead-on–Giuliani will be far more detrimental to the pro-life cause than Hillary Clinton–this is not merely about abortion.

The same can be said with respect to the overall direction of the country.

Will we merge with Canada and Mexico? Will we ditch the U.S. Dollar for the “Amero”? Will we continue to give away our national sovereignty?

Or will we do what is right: cut spending, shut the borders down, kick the illegals out, adopt English as the national language, and foster a society that does not penalize traditional families?

Will we continue to run up deficits that require us to get our financing from our enemies? Will we allow our government to increasingly control our lives through the proliferation of endless federal regulation?

Or will we do what is right: bring government back to within its Constitutional boundaries, quit spending at rates that require foreign capital to sustain, and get the debt paid off by the end of this generation?

Will we continue to pursue a strategic policy that is neither realistic economically nor militarily?

Or will we do what is right: kick the Islammunists out, enforce our borders, maintain a military only strong enough to fulfill her military obligations, and get out of the business of exporting democracy to every living creature, minimizing our foreign entanglements?

Will we continue to assert ourselves as globocop?

Or will we stick to fighting only when our lives, liberties, and properties are at stake?

Rudy will be worse than Hillary on all these fronts because he–like Dubya–will foster a larger government apparatus while cross-dressing as a fiscal, free-market conservative. If you think his court picks will be any better than Hillary’s, you’re smoking something I would legalize if I were President.

Choosing between Rudy and Hillary is like choosing between Herod and Jezebel.

Why would any conservative Christian support either?