Age Appropriate

One of the things about being a parent is continually deciding what is age-appropriate for your child and what is not. I think there are some things that can be clearly defined, but most of the time I think it’s more child-specific.

Though my Youngest daughter is really not ready to hear such things, I told my Oldest daughter this morning about the tragedy in Ft. Hood yesterday. We don’t watch the news in our house; I hate the news. And I don’t want my girls watching that crap everyday.

Normally I don’t tell my girls anything about the really evil things … like school shootings, mall shootings, etc. They don’t need to wake up everyday afraid to live, and their brains just aren’t fully developed yet.

But she’s in Middle School, and I know they’ll be talking about it in Middle School, so I wanted her to hear it from me first. I told her that I don’t know how they’ll spin it, but the bottom line is this guy flipped out b/c he didn’t want to fulfil his commitment to his country … and took the lives of a dozen people and injured many more … and he was wrong.