Recon’s Random Thoughts

(1) Atheists are either stupid or crazy. Anyone who appreciates the athleticism of birds and cats–like me–and does not believe in a kick-ass intelligence behind all of this, has a few screws loose.

(2) Christmas sucks. I hate it when my dad takes off and goes to Philly for a couple days. He gives great catnip treats, though!

(3) I’d like to shit on the grave of Bruce Pardot. So would my dad, but he doesn’t want to go to California.

(4) Ann Coulter is HOT!

(5) I would be a far better President than McCain or Obama. I’m better looking, too. If I get elected in 2012, does Amir get to be the First Dad?

(6) I’ve got the coolest dad.

(7) The Republican Party is a bunch of traitors. Bush is a traitor for embracing socialism. My dad might end up working till age 100 to pay for all these damn bailouts.

(8) My sister–Sneaky–has more brains than Obama.

(9) Child molesters have three big enemies: me, Amir, and Pilgrim. Amir has two uncles–Black and Decker–to whom he would like to introduce a few of these predators. Pilgrim prefers a good old fashioned knife. I hope they save some work for me…

(10) I’m so glad Shanahan got fired at Denver. he’s in the middle of building an enormous house there–we’re talking tens of millions of dollars. His cash flow just went to crap!

12 thoughts on “Recon’s Random Thoughts

  1. Recon – you’ve got me cracking up!

    i hate christmas, too … can’t we just ignor the day and celebrate jesus’ birthday some other time?

    careful buddy – you’ll shoot up your dad’s cuss-o-meter 🙂

    good news about your dad working till he’s 100 – he won’t have money to retire and take long, extended vacations … without you.

  2. Oh Recon!! You little curmudgeon. You’re a chip off the old block. If you need a place to stay in California, I’d be happy to take you to that grave and turn a blind eye. We’ll have a great time. I even let you have a crack at Mickey Mouse and the Mouseketeers while you’re here.

  3. I’m so glad Shanahan got fired at Denver.


    I didn’t know you followed the NFL….do you have any playoff picks? How do you think the Steelers will do?

  4. Learner: I like the Ravens in the AFC. They have a decent offense and a badass defense. They are peaking at the right time. Besides, Ray Lewis wants another ring. It’ll either be them or the Titans.

    In the NFC, I’d say it’s a tossup between the New York Giants and the Philadelphia Eagles. If the Giants can overcome some of their recent drama, I’d say they’re the team to beat. But if Philly plays like they did against Dallas, Philadelphia might get their third crack at the Super Bowl.

  5. Recon: LOL. I loved it when an infamous wise ass–a client for whom I was developing a system–once asked, “What are you, some rocket scientist?”

    My response: “As a matter of fact, I am a rocket scientist. Embry-Riddle, 1990, aeronautical engineering. Got any more questions?”

  6. Ame: I have the coolest dad, but most of my spare time is being spent planning future operations. I do this while dad is busting his butt at the gym.

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