His wealth put him in a Ferrari, and even got him a gal to go for the ride.
Trouble is, his ride came to a very abrupt end.
His wealth put him in a Ferrari, and even got him a gal to go for the ride.
Trouble is, his ride came to a very abrupt end.
i heard anne ortlund speak once. she said we all know our birth-dates, but God also knows our death-dates … and we all have one, but only God knows when it is.
i often wonder at ‘legacies’ and what we’ll leave behind … and what our lives actually mean as we live … and who will remember what … and will anything we do make any difference at all to anyone. i don’t think we need to live panicked lives as though every, single, day, may be our last. there is something to be said for routine and simply living. but i also think it’s irresponsible to live in such a way that today doesn’t matter at all.