KM–a friend of mine and Cubbie’s–is a physician in Central Kentucky.
Here is her response to my recent post:
Here is an example for you…
I am a small business owner (8 employees plus myself) who has provided group health insurance since opening my business. Six of those employees were covered by health insurance and my group plan, this past year, cost 70k yearly (it went up about 30% per year). This is a huge expense for a small business. I received a notice that our plan did not meet compliance with Obamacare’s new regulations. Therefore, I dropped our health insurance and, instead, opted to give a stipend for employee directed coverage. While the stipend will still cover their expenses, most of them are discouraged by the huge hassle. I am a bit relieved, however, to be stepping OUT of the insurance business.
As any reader can attest here: KM is being quite generous with her workers.
that is amazing; truly someone who cares.
i am hoping that all this fiasco leads to something better. the insurance healthcare business has been way out of control for a long time.