What Jeri Massi has here is very much worth the read. I will elaborate more on this later, as there are several factors that I wish to address.
What Jeri Massi has here is very much worth the read. I will elaborate more on this later, as there are several factors that I wish to address.
I am aware this is a volunteer effort on your part. But i hope to see a well considered lengthy treatment. (though, I might have a few bones to chew). But this is important and foundational stuff.
As a matter of note: I have significant differences with Massi on a few things, as she definitely leans further to the left than I do. At the same time, given her experiences in the world of IFB fundamentalism and the worst of Calvinism combined with being a homeschool teacher for a family that was devoted to Gothard, I can appreciate where she’s coming from.
Homeschooling is not, in and of itself, evil; MrsLarijani and I hope to do that ourselves.
At the same time, many within that movement are not doing this out of a love for God or even a pragmatic embracement of a more equitable learning model, but rather the worship of a dogmatic model in place of God.
But yes…more details coming.
Rights come with duties. Authority comes with responsibility. You cannot have one without the other
I’d say even “princes” are not supposed to be treated they way they are stereotypically portrayed as. Spoiling them makes them unfit to even be “king”.
”At the same time, many within that movement are not doing this out of a love for God or even a pragmatic embracement of a more equitable learning model, but rather the worship of a dogmatic model in place of God.”
The only thing is that at least the problem is more localized decentralized and more easily correctable compared to state run schools whose curriculum can impact far more people.
ugh. grrr. sigh.
Worrying trends:
The fact that race is taking precedence over religion indicates a worrying shift. It seems churches are going to be separating along racial lines.
yeah…it seems that we have people complaining about the “silent exodus”, and then saying, “White evangelicals need to change their focus to stop the exodus.”
The larger issue is why we are focusing on skin color at all. While there are cultural differences among the races–such as worship style, music preferences, mannerisms, etc.–that’s not the same thing as regarding people one way or another based on skin color. There ought to be a heart-to-heart about the specifics of what they are speaking in terms of feeling “left out”.
The other side of the coin is this: theological orientation. TGC and T4G are exclusive NeoCal hubs, and they tend not to be inclusive of non-Calvinists. That would, by default, exclude many ministers of color, particularly black and Asians. Not many of them are Calvinists or come even close to identifying as such.
The NeoCals are a major part of the problem here.
Indeed. And you know that this issue of skin color and the genetics of race is a distraction from the truth but the presentation of false alternatives in opposition to a form of dysfunction or evil.
The false dichotomy. I take the Black Hebrew Israelite movement as an example. As a reaction to past abuses by the ancestors of white americans. They have an ideology that classifies Caucasians as subhumans that deserves to be exterminated.
Based on the comment sections that allows them to speak candidly since I also follow the opioid epidemic. They are glad that white americans are dying off and some look forward to the day where the survivors of that epidemic can be killed.