America’s Dumbest Criminals Strike Again!

Figure it’s time for me to get back into posting a little. How, may you ask? Well, let’s get back to a favorite theme of mine… stupid criminals!

How about this one… a Florida moron Googles “how to rob a bank” and proceeds to do just that? Needless to say, he soon got caught.

Or this one: Man in Georgia decides to rob a game store. Before doing so, he disguises himself, using plastic wrap from water bottle packaging. It didn’t work… his face was clearly visible despite the “disguise”. Not to mention that he didn’t bother to cover a distinctive tattoo on his right forearm. It took the police a couple of days to catch him… but not until after they told the public, “You can help us catch him, once you stop laughing.”

And a creep in Pennsylvania put a hidden video camera in a porta-potty at a construction site, and recorded several victims before a worker found the device. Unfortunately for him, but fortunately for future users of that toilet,ย he forgot that he had recorded himself setting up the cam.

And finally, another moron out of Florida. He bought some meth and had a bad reaction, and thought that his dealer was cheating him. So what does he do? Calls the local sheriff’s department and asks them to test it. The cops were more than happy to oblige… and arrest him once they confirm that it was indeed meth. The quote at the end of the linked story is absolutely priceless.

To shamelessly adapt a famous H. L. Mencken quote, police will never go broke underestimating the intelligence of your average criminal.

6 thoughts on “America’s Dumbest Criminals Strike Again!


    you have always had the distinguished talent to find these kinds of stories! bwahahahahaha! i needed a good laugh! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

    Husband was telling me of one bad guy the cops were chasing … bad guy was wearing sneakers that lit up when he ran, so the cops just followed the lights! lol!

    really … someone should post and charge for an iq test for those who want to be criminals to see if they’re smart enough! someone could probably make some good money doing so ๐Ÿ™‚

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